1:1 Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Last updated: July 19, 2024

Although Front Porch Collective (FPC), LLC sends meeting room link emails the day of or before sessions, it is the responsibility of the client to keep track of and timely attend scheduled sessions. FPC, LLC requires at least 24 hours notice for all cancellations and reschedules. 

FPC, LLC does not book clients consecutively or simultaneously, thus a late cancellation or reschedule impacts the ability to schedule and meet with other clients. Communicating rescheduling or cancellation needs within 24 hours of a session may result in a no-show fee* sent via invoice with payment due before rescheduling can occur.

Repeat late-notice cancellations (3 or more in 3 months or 2 consecutive) may result in the termination of Front Porch Collective, LLC and client’s work together or being placed on a Pay-First arrangement**, at the discretion of FPC, LLC.

*No-Show Fee

A 100% or 50% of session cost No Show Fee may be required of the client in the event of repeated session attendance issues. No-show fees are applicable in the following situations:

  • Client does not attend session [on time]

    • Due to the length of time provided for each session (60 minutes), it is imperative that clients arrive on time. If a client is more than 10 minutes late to a scheduled session, FPC, LLC will have to reschedule and the client may be responsible for the No-Show Fee.

  • Repeat cancellations and late notices to reschedule

    • If a client notifies FPC, LLC of a needed cancellation or rescheduling but does so within 24 hours of the scheduled session more than once, FPC reserves the right to charge the client the No-Show Fee. 

Avoiding No-Show Fees

If scheduling and/or attending scheduled sessions is an area of difficulty for the client, Front Porch Collective, LLC offers an accountability option. 

**Pay-First Option

The Pay-First Option allows clients to prepay for sessions in single increments. This provides accountability for client attendance to sessions but also avoids No-Show fees. Clients who opt into the Pay-First Option will be invoiced before their session. Should the client not pay the invoice, the session will simply not be held

Pay-first invoicing will take place 3-5 business days before the scheduled session. 

Front Porch Collective, LLC reserves the right to implement the Pay-First Option with a client if there are frequent attendance issues.